Raw Milky Amber, Amazonite & Sunstone Necklace - baby, child, teen, adult*

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Raw Milky Amber, Amazonite & Sunstone Necklace - baby, child, teen, adult*

from £15.00

Raw Milky Amber, Amazonite and Sunstone beads baby teething necklace. This necklace is available in various sizes.

Read more about Amber teething necklaces - tradition, measurements and safety.

We know that there is no standard size baby, child or adult but there are general guidelines.
Here are some guidelines for necklaces and bracelets.

Our lovely model is a slightly built 4 year old with a very slender neck, wearing a 32cm/12.5inch necklace.

We have several of these necklaces and they are very hard to tell apart. You may not receive the item in the photograph.

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Amber is a ‘feel good stone’. It is beautifully light and gently warming, and flows through you like a soothing golden (but non-sticky!) syrup. If you are feeing lonely, sad, misunderstood, are struggling with life, or need a winter boost, Amber can bring warmth to belly and heart, and remind you of the abundance of Life. I’ve found that Amber can help with asthma and other chest/breathing problems and often recommend wearing an Amber necklace for chest infections
It is also wonderfully protective, without the heaviness of many protective ‘stones’. This makes it excellent for babies, children and pregnant women. Amber is also a traditional remedy for teething.

The Amber is combined Hazelwood beads, another traditional remedy which is said to help with reflux, colic and eczema.