Turquoise, Carnelian, Iolite, Fossil Stone necklace

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Turquoise, Carnelian, Iolite, Fossil Stone necklace


A unique necklace, handmade by Sue in a gentle, meditative way, with a raw Turquoise Nugget, beautiful bright faceted oval Carnelian beads with polite and Fossil round carefully strung on best quality bead stringing wire with a pretty sterling silver bar and toggle clasp.

This necklace is approximately cm.

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This is a powerful necklace with rich Goddess energies. At the centre is a beautiful raw Turquoise nugget that I’ve been saving for years, stunning, richly coloured, faceted Carnelian beads, beautiful round Iolite beads and subtle, semi polished, creamy Fossil Stone beads.

Turquoise is a wonderful healing stone that has been used for many thousands of years.  It acts on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, bringing peace, balance and protection. Physically, it is a powerful but gentle healer, supporting the immune system and bringing rejuvenation; emotionally and mentally it brings a sense of calm well-being and aids clear, courageous and truthful communication. Combining the frequencies of blue and green, it connects us with both heaven and earth, and balances our masculine and feminine energies.

Carnelian carries the combined energies of Earth and Fire. It is warming and energising and enhances creativity on all levels. It can help us to connect with ancestral wisdom held deep within Mother Earth. It supports women to be strong, creative, confident, and in touch with their true feminine power. 

Iolite is a beautiful deep violet blue that supports intuition and inner knowing. It is a stone of visions, dreams and dreaming, helping us to connect with the realms of spirit. It has a powerful feminine energy and is one of the stones in my ‘Goddess Pack’. Iolite links us to the Queen of Heaven goddess archetype – Isis, Astarte, Mary, Juno.

Creamy Fossil Stone has a calm, gentle, reassuring, harmonious energy that can help us to connect with ancient wisdom and the cycles of life and to move gently through times of change and tranformation. They have been used by many cultures for millennia as protective talismans.