Gathering in

5 Crystals for Autumn

The days are definitely shorter. Thankfully the chickens are now going to bed at a more respectable time. The trees are still very green for the time of year, but the Horse Chestnuts and Virginia Creeper are wearing their stunning orange and red dresses. I’ve never seen so many acorns! Our ceremony circle is beneath Oaks and the ground is crunchy with them. It’s like walking on marbles and the squirrels shout at me when I go up there.

As we begin to light fires in our hearths and snuggle up, I thought I’d share some warming, nurturing crystals with you.

Carnelian - warming, energising, joyful, positive, encourages creativity


Carnelian is a variety of quartz, sometimes called Orange Agate, which ranges from pale peachy orange to deep brown-orange.

Paler Carnelian is gentler; the really bright orange is uplifting and joyful; the darker, richer orange/brown is deep and earthy.

Carnelian carries the combined energies of Earth and Fire, and is warming and energising. It is active and helps to get things done. It enhances creativity on all levels, and has a particular affinity with the sacral chakra.

It can help us to connect with ancestral wisdom held deep within Mother Earth. It supports women to be strong, creative, confident, and in touch with their true feminine power, and helps men to know and understand the deep ancient wisdom of the Divine Feminine within themselves, the women around them, and the Earth.

You can purchase Carnelian here (on Friday evening) and here (any time)

Flower Agate - gentle, feminine, nurturing, healing trauma, courage

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Flower Agate, also known as Cherry Blossom and Sakura/Sekura Stone, is a relatively new discovery from Madagascar. It isn’t truly an agate but a pinkish/apricot translucent chalcedony with more opaque white ‘flowers’.

This stone is truly beautiful, often with deeper pink, gold or even greenish areas, and some tiny ‘caves’ with druzy quartz. I love it!

It has a beautiful soft, feminine energy and is calming, reassuring and very nurturing. It teaches us of the strength of gentleness and is a powerful healer of stuck emotion and trauma.  Flower Agate can help dissolve old beliefs that limit us, so that we can remember the truth of who we are. With love and compassion for ourselves, we can find courage to allow and enable that to grow. In this way we can stand in our own unique power and shine our gifts into the world.

You can purchase Flower Agate here (on Friday evening) and here (any time)

Petrified/Fossil Wood - gently grounding, gathering in, ancient wisdom

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Petrified wood is wood that has become stone. Ancient wood became buried beneath volcanic ash or sediment, and was preserved because no oxygen was available to break down or decompose the wood. Mineral rich water gradually deposited the minerals in the organic cells, and eventually replaced them, keeping the original shape and structure of the tree.

Energetically it is gently grounding. It holds the energy frequency of the original blueprint of evolution, and reminds us that, as humans, we are an intrinsic part of the beauty and harmony of nature and can always choose to return to the pattern of perfection. It is perfect for connecting with our close, and distant, ancestors.

You can buy Petrified Wood here (on Friday) and here (anytime)

Polychrome Jasper - earth and fire - rootedness and creativity


Polychrome Jasper comes from Madagascar. It is a relatively recent find. It was discovered when searching for Orbicular or Ocean Jasper. Both are very decorative, and are used in this way.

Like all Jaspers, Polychrome is stable, grounding and long-acting. It helps us to connect with Mother Earth at a deep level – not the soil and plants close to the surface, but the deep rooted rocky depths. As well as embodying the Earth element, Polychrome also has Fire and it brings energy, vitality and a passion for creativity.

 It has a lovely texture and feels much smoother than most Jaspers/Agates. It is very silky and sensuous to hold and stroke.

 It is a good gift for those who ‘don’t do crystals’ because it is visually very attractive and interesting.

You can buy Polychrome Jasper here (on Friday) and here (any time)

Aragonite - being yourself, finding your centre in the midst of chaos

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The name Aragonite is derived from The Aragon River in Spain, which is where the first crystals were found. This type are brown clusters which are sometimes called Aragonite Sputniks or Flowers of Iron (Iron creating the colour).

Aragonite, like the better-known calcite, is a calcium carbonate mineral but it’s crystals have a different structure. It comes in a variety of colours, including white, pink, yellow, orange, red and brown.

It has a lovely, soft energy that is gently grounding and centring, and a perfect ally for being in the present moment. They help us to release turbulent emotion and to stay calm and settled when people or situations around us are challenging or chaotic, so that we neither react from emotion, nor lose ourselves in a different story.

As well as Aragonite ‘Sputniks’, it can be found in masses with cream and brown stripes. This is very centering and nurturing.

Aragonite is also the mineral that creates Pearl, Abalone and Mother of Pearl.

You can purchase Aragonite here (on Friday evening) and here (any time)

Stay warm and cosy this autumn

Crystal Blessings from Sue xxx