How can crystals (and I) help in strange times?

It’s now six weeks since I went further than the flower stall up the road, and for most of the time I’ve been inside my gate.

On a purely personal level, my life hasn’t changed much since I don’t go out often even in normal times. Of course I miss my children and grandson, but one thing I’ve gained recently is a new relationship with technology so that I now communicate with family and friends on a daily basis via the magic of the internet. I even experimented with Facebook Live on my Sue Weaver’s Crystal Barn Online group page! To be honest, technically it’s pretty dreadful 😂 but I did it and have learned from it so that I can get better in the future. And what matters is that I’ve been able to help and people have been really appreciative.

Although I’m doing fine myself, I’m very aware how lucky I am and am grateful every single day. My heart goes out to all who are sick; to their loved ones and the families who are grieving; to those struggling financially and those trying to work from home while caring for, and educating, their children. I am grateful to those caring for the sick, elderly and vulnerable; those keeping the practicalities of life ticking over; everyone who is being truly human and doing what’s needed, whether it be emptying bins or bringing post or making deliveries. I’m also absolutely furious with those who have been entrusted with responsibility for our nation, who have shirked that responsibility and betrayed their position of trust. I hope that something good comes from all the suffering. It’s time to move away from self-centredness, greed and destruction of society and planet to kindness, sharing and respect for people and Mother Earth.

At the beginning of the 'lockdown’ several people said that it could be good for online businesses. I wasn’t sure what was right action so I retreated and did nothing. My first thought was for the posties and delivery people, and so I decided to wait until I had a clearer sense. Over the next two weeks I had lots of communications from people asking if I could choose crystals for them, and many saying how much they had been helped by their crystals in these strange times. That tipped the balance for me. Knowing that, in my small way, I could do some good meant that adding items to the delivery load had a purpose.

So, I decided to start writing more about crystals and also sharing in other ways - hence the first Facebook Live!

Here I’m going to share some thoughts on grounding and three ‘grounding crystals’ - Black Tourmaline, Obsidian and Hematite.


When we aren't grounded our energy can't flow properly. We are literally made of Earth, and to be disconnected from this flow of energy means that we are unable to live healthily on any level.

The devastation and destruction of Mother earth by humans can only happen when we are disconnected, so grounding is needed for, both individually and collectively.

In these chaotic times, we need to pay special attention to grounding. Without grounding, our physical being is compromised and we are more vulnerable to disease; we can feel more at the mercy of the chaotic emotions around us; we can be easily confused by all the conflicting information and get lost in negativity or fantasy; spiritually we can feel unbalanced or 'blown open' because the Heaven energy we receive can't flow to Earth (There's lots of that at present! Our task is to assist in transmuting it so change can manifest on the Earth plane.)

Black Tourmaline

In my experience, Black Tourmaline is the most effective crystal for protection. It is powerfully grounding and centering, and can help us to deal with the impact of external influences.

On a physical level, it aligns the spine and skeleton. Emotionally and mentally it helps us to stay centred in the midst of chaos. It brings us fully into our physical bodies, aligning spirit fully with the physical, so that we can be responsible for how we deal with external influences, rather than blaming others.

Black Tourmaline can also help to ground your own negative emotions and thoughtforms, so it is ideal to use if you are angry, anxious, or feeling low due to internal criticism.

If you find Black Tourmaline a bit too heavy, Tourmalinated Quartz - Quartz with crystals of Tourmaline within - is lighter and easier to assimilate for some. It is very centering but less grounding.

You can buy Tourmaline here. Please be aware that I have lots more than you can see on the website. Items are being added daily! You can also email for special requests.



Hematite is an ore of iron, being composed of iron and oxygen. Hematite crystals often form in rosette like plates, but it is most commonly found with the upper surface displaying silver/grey/black smooth, globular shapes, hence the name “kidney ore”. The lower surface often leaves powdery red deposits on wrappings – rust!

You are most likely to come across hematite that has been polished to a silver/grey metallic sheen.

It is the most effective energy that I know for grounding, and can also be used for protection. It is an excellent help for the effects of shock, following accidents and operations, and can help to stabilise in times of extreme stress. Hold in the hands if you feel spaced out.

In my experience, Hematite is a stone that seems to elicit strong feelings of compatibility/non-compatibility - you are either a hematite person or not! If hematite resonates with you, it can give comfort, strength and support in most situations. I am not a hematite person, but I use this crystal to help with Jet Lag.

You can buy Hematite here. Please be aware that I have lots more than you can see on the website. Items are being added daily! You can also email for special requests.



Obsidian is natural volcanic glass. You can see three types in the images above.

Black Obsidian has a very powerful energy which has a natural affinity with the Navel, Base and Earth Star Chakras. It connects us to Mother Earth and to the Fire at her core. It is deep, passionate, sensual and intense.
Obsidian takes us deep inside, to hidden places, and reveals that which needs to be released and that which needs to be owned and integrated. The deep, dark, velvet blackness can be a fearful place, if the Shadow has not been addressed; alternatively it can be a place of peace, rest and recuperation.
Obsidian is a wonderful shamanic tool, and Obsidian Mirrors have been used for millennia.
I have heard people describe Obsidian as a masculine energy, but for me it provides a wonderful tool for connecting to the Cosmic Void/Great Womb of Creation that is simultaneously total nothing and all potentials.
Obsidian is often described as grounding and protecting; and it is very useful in these ways when doing spiritual work and/or working shamanically.

Snowflake obsidian is black volcanic glass with white markings that have been considered to resemble snowflakes.
It is gently grounding and centering - gentler that Black Obsidian. Snowflake Obsidian can help to create a calm, balanced state of mind by releasing negative or compulsive thoughts. It can be helpful in meditation.

Mahogany Obsidian is a mix of black and brown, and is grounding and protective. It can be easier, and less demanding than Black Obsidian, and has a real stability and holding power.
It can be a wonderful help in very challenging situations, including those where there is a ‘loss of self’. Sometimes it is hard to make decisions when all options seem difficult. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we know are harming us, yet we have to keep going. This isn’t right, yet it is a truth for many people.
Examples are isolated mothers of young children, becoming exhausted from lack of support; carers who have no real option other than to keep going, often to their own detriment, due to all the cuts to support systems; people coping alone to look after loved ones with mental health problems, in the face of the decimation of the mental health service.
Sadly, Mahogany Obsidian cannot solve all these things. It will take a huge change in our thinking, and a move from greed to love, but in the meantime, it can bring some respite, and from a still and supported place we can sometimes find new ideas and see new possibilities.

You can buy Obsidian here. Please be aware that I have lots more than you can see on the website. Items are being added daily! You can also email for special requests.

I hope this information is been helpful. It’s my intention to continue to share more crystal information in the next few weeks. Please email to let me know if you have questions and I’ll do my best to answer as many as I can.

Crystal Blessings xxx