Unakite Angel 40mm *

Unakite Angels 40mm.jpeg
Unakite Angels 40mm.jpeg

Unakite Angel 40mm *


Pretty little Unakite Angels, approximately 40mm in height.

Angels are Beings of Light that are intermediaries between the human realm and the divine. They bring messages and can guide and protect us.

These Angels are our 'standard stock' and we usually have several available. They are all handpicked and all pass Sue's quality test, but since they are natural stones there will be some variation in appearance. You may not receive the item in the photograph.

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Crystal skulls have become increasingly popular in recent years. There are many stories about ancient crystal skulls, and many attitudes, beliefs and opinions concerning modern carvings. Lots of people ask, ‘What are they for?’

For many people, there is an initial discomfort – even revulsion. In our culture we often associate skulls with death, and since we have a strange relationship with death, they can be objects of fear. The skull, as a symbol, is used to warn us of poison!

Because of the nature of crystals, when we project such feelings onto crystal skulls, this energy is then amplified, focussed and reflected back.

The skull, as part of the skeleton, does speak to us of the ephemeral nature of life. While we can choose to focus on fear, and how short is our time on Earth, that is not the only choice we can make. We also have the opportunity to focus on the magic of life, on appreciating the wonderful gift of life and expressing gratitude for each treasured moment.

The skull is uniquely human and can remind us of the true nature and purpose of human life – to be an integral part of the whole, in right relationship with Mother Earth and all who live on her. They can remind us of our sacred blueprint and the potential for us to embody a high consciousness. They also remind us of our commonality – that whatever our perceived difference, we are all of the tribe of Human.

While the human skull will become dust and return to Earth, reminding us of our physicality, a crystal skull will last for millenia - thus reminding us of the timeless nature of our soul and spirit.

Because crystal skulls ‘look like us’, once we have overcome the fear of death/poison/pirates, it is easy to relate to them and we can work with the crystal energy for personal healing on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels: for family, lineage, ancestral, karmic healing; to raise consciousness on many levels; to connect with other forms of consciousness; to work for planetary and cosmic healing.

If you feel drawn to work with one, receive it with gratitude into your life. Spend time together. Don’t rush. Take your time. Ask for help and guidance. Ask for teachings. Listen and observe.

Unakite is a lovely pink and green granite-like stone. The pink is feldspar and the green is epidote, and the two blend together to create a beautiful stone that resonates with the heart centre and brings balance.

It has an energy of love, but this is not personal, romantic, or any love between humans. This stone helps us to connect with the natural world at a spiritual level, and remind us of our place in the circle of life. It can help to dispel daily worries and put things in perspective. 

If you feel drawn to meet with the devas of the flowers, the herbs, the mosses, the ponds and streams and rocks, try meditating with Unakite.