Quartz Charm - Rhodonite and Rose Quartz - Loving Support

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Quartz Charm - Rhodonite and Rose Quartz - Loving Support


Pretty hanging charm designed to bring love and support. It has a Quartz pendant, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz and Quartz and beads.

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Clear or colourless quartz can be totally transparent and glass-like, or have beautiful internal patterns and rainbows. It brings clarity, balance, alignment & harmony. It activates all systems of the body & all levels of consciousness.

For some people it can help to increase vitality when they lack energy or feel low; for others it can bring calmness and a feeling of wellbeing. It clears blockages & limitations at all levels of Being, protects against unwanted energies, increases awareness & promotes spiritual growth. It amplifies thought-forms, prayers & the effects of all other crystals, & can focus & enhance other forms of healing.

Rose Quartz is a gentle but powerful crystal which holds the energy frequency of Love, so a Rose Quartz Heart gives a double dose of Love

Rose Quartz assists in clearing, strengthening and balancing the Heart Chakra. It helps to heal a wounded heart so that we can love others and radiate love into the world. It increases self acceptance and a sense of worthiness so that we can love ourselves and receive love from others. It also helps to connect with the limitless love of the Divine.

Rose Quartz is an excellent healer in times of emotional turmoil, heartache or stress, bringing a sense of calm and inner peace. It resonates well with the very young to the very old, and is a beautiful gift for newborns, children, pregnant women, the weak or convalescent, as well as friends and lovers.

Rhodonite is a pink stone with some grey or black. It brings the energy of love into day-to-day living. It gives practical support, reduces stress and brings self esteem and confidence. It can help you to work towards attaining your needs whilst remaining loving and open. It can support you to bring your gifts forward in service to your community and assist you to live your Soul’s purpose.