'Rosy Healer' / Hematoid Quartz Heart 1

Rosy Healer Heart £793.JPG
Rosy Healer Heart £794.JPG
Rosy Healer Heart £791.JPG
Rosy Healer Heart £792.JPG
Rosy Healer Heart £793.JPG
Rosy Healer Heart £794.JPG
Rosy Healer Heart £791.JPG
Rosy Healer Heart £792.JPG
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'Rosy Healer' / Hematoid Quartz Heart 1


Beautiful large ‘Rosy Healer’ / Hematoid Quartz heart.

This piece is approximately 80mm x 50mm and weighs approximately 324g.

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I first came across these crystals a few years ago. I saw some very beautiful crystals, and then saw the label ‘Hematoid Quartz’. I was so put off by the unattractive name that I didn’t even look at them to properly. (Hematoid/Hematite refers to the iron inclusions that create the beautiful gold or red patterns.)

Towards the end of the day, when I’d almost finished my crystal shopping, I picked one up. I was taken by surprise and I absolutely loved it! I often use mine in healing treatments now, or to give myself a ‘lift’.

The gold/yellow ones have since become known as Golden Healers and they bring a wonderful sense of spiritual wellbeing. (There are some other crystals which are also called Golden Healers, and considered to be the only ‘true’ Golden Healers by some people). I find that these hold a lovely bright, clear, warming, uplifting energy that comes in slowly and brings a wonderful sense of well-being. They are excellent to use when light is low and people can experience S.A.D.

The red ones are stronger, more direct and more ‘practical’, but they are not heavy at all since the quartz brings in a light, bright energy. If you are feeling scattered, and need grounding and focus to get things done, this might be the perfect ally for you. We call them Rosy Healers.