Dragonstone/Dragonsblood Jasper Tumblestones Large

Dragonstone £42.JPG
Dragonstone £41.JPG
Dragonstone £43.JPG
Dragon Stone large 4.JPG
Dragonstone £42.JPG
Dragonstone £41.JPG
Dragonstone £43.JPG
Dragon Stone large 4.JPG

Dragonstone/Dragonsblood Jasper Tumblestones Large


Tumblestones or tumbled stones have been tumbled with grit in a large tumbling machine to create a polished surface that is pleasant to hold and is also good for reflecting the colour of the stone. They are a great, inexpensive way to get to know crystals and to start building your collection. They are also perfect tools for healing and gridmaking.

The tumblestone in the photograph with the 20p coin is to demonstrate the average size. We have a number of these tumblestones and they are very hard to tell apart. You may not receive the item in the photograph.

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I like this stone, with the combination of red, green and black. It is called Dragonstone or Dragonsblood Jasper.

It is deep, strong and protective - working slowly and steadily to heal and rejuvenate.

It encourages and supports the owning of one's personal power, and the green opens us to show ourselves and share our gifts.