Purple Anhydrite Pebble 5 *

Purple Anhydrite Pebble 5a.jpeg
Purple Anhydrite Pebble 5b.jpeg
Purple Anhydrite Pebble 5a.jpeg
Purple Anhydrite Pebble 5b.jpeg
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Purple Anhydrite Pebble 5 *


Beautiful Purple Anhydrite pebble. For size, see the photograph in my hand.

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We haven't had Purple Anhydrite before. It is more commonly found in blue, known as Angelite.

Joanna's attunement - The phrase I get with this crystal is “A knowing in the unknown”.

I felt a strong connection with the Third Eye, Alta Major and Heart chakras. For me, this crystal can help to trust my intuition without the need to have a full understanding at a level of consciousness. Often, when the mind has a need to understand or analyse, it can become an obstruction in the connection to spirit. Purple Anhydrite can help to let that need go and to know that at a heart level, all is understood.

The name Anhydrite comes from the Greek word Anhydra, which means without water, and refers to the fact that Anhydrite (CaSO4) has the same chemical composition as Gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2O), but without the water (H2O). This means that has similarities to Selenite and Satin Spar. Cleanse with a non-water method.