
It's Springtime. It's yellow time. It's Citrine time.

I woke up this morning with joy rising in my heart. It wasn’t until quite some time later when I went out to feed the chickens that I saw what an absolutely beautiful day it was, but I’d definitely felt the uplift of spring as soon as I awoke.
This time of year is Citrine time for me. It’s yellow time. I tend not to choose yellow for much of the year but when I find myself choosing yellow roses and tulips instead of my usual white and pink I know the energy is shifting.


I’d been saying to Joanna that it’s time to add more Citrine to the webshop. She’s in the process of doing so, and yesterday I finally brought a huge bag of gorgeous natural Citrine tumblestones from the garage to the Crystal Barn. It’s been sitting waiting to be sorted for years! Here you can see me sorting them into sizes. Joanna’s taking photographs and Linda’s been counting and sorting spheres. We’re the happy trio who have been sending crystals to you. (We’re well spaced in a large barn with plenty of ventilation, so quite safe.)

Today I couldn’t resist making a Spring crystal grid out in the lovely sunshine. By the time I’d finished the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations meeting, the sun had gone from outside the barn, so the growing area had its first ever crystal grid. I rather like the juxtaposition of beautiful crystals with the mud and dead leaves from last year and the pile of wood chippings and the pile of manure (under protective tarpaulins!). It was very beautiful but rather bright for photographs, so I made the grid a second time in a more usual spot by the barn.


Below I share my experience of Citrine.

“I manifest the light of the sun”

Citrine is a member of the quartz family. It forms single crystals and clusters, and is also found in massive form. Unlike Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz, which often have long parallel sides, Citrine crystals tends to be more stubby.

Natural Citrine is rare and is a pale lemony colour. Most of the Citrine we will experience is Amethyst or Smoky Quartz that has been heat treated. Often people say that only Natural Citrine can be used in healing. It’s one of the places where you will find lots of crystal snobbery, and many people speak disparagingly of ‘baked Amethyst’. If this were the case, then few people would ever encounter Citrine, and it is certainly my experience that many people have benefitted from the yellow crystals that came out of Mother Earth a different colour.

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The energy of Citrine is that of sunshine! For me it is not the hot sun of midday, nor of hot climates. I experience the Spirit of Citrine as similar to that of the morning sun. It is bright and warm and filled with the all the hope of a new day. When attuning to Citrine I often hear the words of the beautiful celebratory song by Eleanor Farjeon:


Mine is the sunlight!

Mine is the morning

Born of the one light

Eden saw play!

Praise with elation

Praise every morning

God's re-creation

Of the new day!

Citrine brings optimism and a fresh brightness to stale situations, clearing away stagnant energy on all levels, and making way for the new. Work with Citrine when you feel emotionally exhausted, or when you are mentally stuck and need a new vision or viewpoint, or when there is stagnation in the body and the cells or organs need a clear out and some new fresh energy. Use for sluggish digestion, to get things moving. Use when it is time for a detox – physically, mentally or emotionally. Citrine is the best crystal ally I know for seasonal affective disorder, as it brings sunshine energy in deepest winter.

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Citrine can be of great help in raising confidence and self esteem, clearing away doubts that may have been implanted by insensitive people, and reminding us of our unique gifts and of who we really are.

On a spiritual level, Citine can help us to remember and reconnect with the pure essence that is Divine and to bring it into our everyday lives – becoming the vehicle for ‘God’s Creation’ as we manifest our physical reality. For this reason, Citrine has become known as a stone for prosperity, and it is often recommended that a piece be carried in the purse, or placed in the till in businesses. But Citrine will not do all the work itself – we need to carry out the physical part of the manifestation.

Citrine brings warmth, but not heat. Citrine brings energy that we can work with, but it is not pushy. I understand the energy of Citrine to be that of offering a potential that we can work with if we choose. If you are about to bring a new project to manifestation, Citrine energy can be of real assistance, perhaps combined with Green Aventurine and Gold Topaz at the seeding stage and Tiger’s Eye when strength and stamina is needed.

If you are recovering from physical illness, emotional or mental exhaustion, Citrine can help when the time is right to begin to come out into a new phase. Welcome the brightness into your life, and ask for help to move forward.


You can wear Citrine and jewellery, or carry a piece with you, in purse or pocket. Meditate with Citrine and ask for inspiration. Create a Citrine Net and lie within it, to detoxify and replace old, tired energy with bright dancing light! Place a piece on the stomach to move sluggish digestion. Place a piece on the heart to clear away sadness and replace with light, hope and optimism.

Crystal Grid constructed of the beautiful natural Citrine borrowed from my home altar, lots of natural Citrine tumblestones, standard Citrine crystals, tiny pieces of rough Madeira Citrine. The latter are rich orange. The name refers to the colour; they don’t come from Madeira.

Buy Citrine here

You can also find Free Factsheets about crystals here. I’m adding more little by little.