
Calling the mothers, the grandmothers, all women - a Mother’s Day eve meditation

This isn’t a normal blogpost. It’s a calling for women to rise and join together in service to Mother Earth
For the children. For seven generations.

A Mother’s Day eve meditation
Saturday 26th March at 7pm

I have heard the children crying. It ripples across our earth and it is a cry that will not go unheard. No harm shall be done to the children.”

I just keep feeling in my heart, ‘I don’t stand with any one, I stand with every one. Every one is one.’ 
I cry for the pain of Ukraine and for the pain of the Russian people who this war does not represent. 
I cry for the people who have forgotten who they are and pray that they remember.

Entire nations of people should not be caught in the middle of a world-sized playground brawl.

I would love to start a movement/event for mothers to come together to say no, enough, stop, this is not who we are or who you are. It almost feels like there’s a collective yearning for re-parenting.
There is a lack of leadership…Who will lead our leaders?…As women, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, the divine feminine. It is time for us to rise up, anchor our presence and bring balance to the distorted masculine.

It’s in our love, we rise above and soften into our strength. A remembering for the collective.

These are words shared by Danielle Smith.

For a long time I’ve been saying that we need more input from the mothers and grandmothers to bring balance. The distorted masculine is totally out of control and the divine feminine must rise to bring balance.

I met Danielle last summer. She turned up at the Crystal Barn carrying a very young baby. She was glowing with love for her baby. She reminded me of a young me - totally in awe of the magic of birthing, of new life, of the power of woman. Now, as life gets ever crazier, her enthusiasm and passion ignited something in me.

My time for physical action has passed, but I can support and encourage the young women - hence this collaboration.

In thinking about what we could do, I revisited some old memories. These photographs are from 1983 - at Greenham Common and Peace Actions in Plymouth - and that baby is 40 this year. It seems so long ago and yet we are still up against the same craziness.

We’re in good company. 
“I do honestly think that if women were running the world there would be more investment in peace, because basically as women we do not want to see our children killed. Maybe I am completely idealistic, but until we see women in equal positions of power in the world, I just think that we are doomed.”

- Meryl Streep

So we’ve been holding the question about what we can do, and we decided to offer a space to come together as a circle of women and hold sacred wombspace to birth peace.

It’s Mothering Sunday very soon and we thought that would be a good time to act.

More words from Danielle:
‘Mother’s Day is one of the most sacred days of the year for me. Not because I get cards or thanks for what I do, but because I’m able to celebrate the miracle of life and experience the absolute joy of unconditional love. 
Whatever choices someone makes, whatever day-to-day drama there is trying to corral you into judgement and having an opinion - it’s all made up - everyone and everything is someone’s child and by remembering that, you see that love actually is everywhere’

We invite all ADULT women to join us for an

Online Meditation - link below

Saturday 26th March at 7pm

We anticipate it taking about an hour 
- maybe a bit more if there are lots of us.

Our intention is to work with the sacred fire in our hearts and the water of our wombs. Women who no longer have physical wombs still have spirit wombs and since we are intending to birth energetically and not physically, our spirit wombs are all we need for this purpose.

Please have a candle and a small container of water close to you as you sit at your computer, iPad/tablet or phone.
If you like, you can take the water onto the land/Big Mama the following day - Mother’s Day.

If you can manage to gift yourself some space/time, then do so. If your children are with you, that’s fine too. It’s the reality of life for mothers and what we are aiming to do is for the children - now and future generations.

Peace creates more peace, leading down a path of collaboration, love and connection…To ourselves…and to each other.

Join Zoom Meeting

Just to be super clear - all women are welcome. 
You don’t have to have given birth.

If men want to support the women in this meditation, loving support is very welcome. Please look after the children, make tea, hold space for the women. Surround us in love while we create this dreaming. Thankyou.