Beautiful, unique Maiden Bracelets for girls on the cusp of womanhood

Following the success of my Menopause Bracelets, quite a few women have asked if I make bracelets for girls who are approaching womanhood and beginning to experience the effects of female hormones.

I thought this was a very good idea, and so with the beautiful weather enabling me to work outside in the garden, I decided to make a start.


I’ve made six bracelets so far and will make more very soon. Obtaining my usual beads, and some of our Amber jewellery, has been yet another casualty of Brexit! Everything takes so much longer (and costs more) than it used to.

You can preorder if you like. They measure approximately 6.5 inches which will fit a 5.5 to 6 inch wrist - the average size for 8 to 13 year old girls. It is possible to make other sizes.

Every bracelet has Moonstone beads because, to me, it is the best crystal for hormonal regulation. You will also find Moonstone in Menopause Bracelets and Bundles, Fertility Bundles; Pregnancy and Birth Bundles and Goddess Bundles.

Other beads are included to bring specific properties. Because every girl is unique, and every girl’s experience is unique, every bracelet is unique.

Some girls may need the focus to be on releasing fear of the unknown; some may need help to adjust to a new situation; some may need encouragement to love themselves more when all seems unfamiliar; some may need help to express their needs clearly; some may need the focus to be on optimism and joy; some may need more confidence . . . and there are many other needs and many possible combinations.

You can read about the different energetic qualities to help you choose the most appropriate combination.


Moonstone is a pearly white feldspar that helps us to align with, and flow with, all the cycles of life. It has a strong affinity with the emotions, and is calming and soothing.

It is excellent for women at all stages of life, balancing hormonal upsets, helping with ‘PMS’, painful menstruation, infertility and the challenges of pregnancy, easing birth, for post birth support and for menopause. Moonstone reminds women of their divinity – that all are goddesses.

Aquamarine – pale green/blue - is cooling and soothing (water element), brings calmness and peace. It can help us to ‘go with the flow’, and release anxiety, fears and phobias. I have found Aquamarine to help with fluid retention. It brings clarity and can help us to express our truth, even when this may be a challenge. It assists us to stay calm and focussed under pressure.

Finda Aquamarine here


Blue Lace Agate – pale sky blue - peaceful, cooling and soothing (air element), bringing a feeling of space and freedom. It is a gentle energy which resonates especially well with sensitive, shy, introverted people. It can help us to speak out when we feel afraid to express our needs or opinions. It can also help to find distance, or a sense of perspective, when feeling overwhelmed.

Find Blue Lace Agate here


White Jade - white - has a very gentle, soothing, feminine energy that can alleviate stress and anxiety.

Find White Jade here


New Jade – palest green - is a kind of Serpentine and it is cleansing, detoxifying and deeply calming with a lightness and sweetness that makes it easy to be with.

If you spend a lot of time at a desk/screen, New Jade brings a breath of fresh air and a lovely, calm energy.

New Jade is also called Bowenite.

Find New Jade/Bowenite here


Morganite is a pink variety of Beryl – sometimes referred to as Pink Emerald. It is my favourite crystal!
Morganite is a beautiful heart opening stone, helping us to feel, know and surrender to the power of Divine Love and compassion. As we align with this frequency, old hurts are released – like laying down a burden - and we move to a true understand that we are Creation itself. Once we understand that we are Divine, and not separate at all, we can then find the confidence to express our truth and walk our sacred path.

Find Morganite here


Rhodonite – pink with grey or black markings - brings the energy of love into day-to-day living. It gives practical support, reduces stress and brings self esteem and confidence. It can help you to work towards attaining your needs whilst remaining loving and open. It can support you to bring your gifts forward in service to your community and assist you to live your Soul’s purpose.

Find Rhodonite here


Rose Quartz – pale pink - clears and balances emotions, brings loving acceptance of the self, for dry skin. Rose Quartz is an excellent healer in times of emotional turmoil, heartache or stress, bringing a sense of calm and inner peace.

Be aware that it isn’t always soft, pink and fluffy, and may, for a while, feel challenging as old emotions release.

Find Rose Quartz here and here


Lepidolite – lavender, pinkish purple - a peaceful stone, dispelling worries and bringing calmness and serenity. It soothes ruffled emotions and is excellent for stress, anxiety and depression. It is a perfect ally when you are feeling ‘frazzled’. Lepidolite is a good stone for meditation and spiritual awareness, and for helping to bring a higher perspective to challenging situations.

The Lepidolite beads in the Maiden Bracelets are paler than those in the image.

Find Lepidolite here


Pink Tourmaline is a beautiful crystal with a strong feminine energy. Like many of the pink stones, it can help to heal old emotional wounds, and bring a sense of peace, happiness and love. Tourmalines are strong though, and Pink Tourmaline brings the strength and confidence to move beyond soothing your wounds – to step beyond fear and be in the world. It can help you to be in relationship with others, personally, romantically and professionally, and from a place of love for yourself, to be able to listen to, and be with others. If you feel depressed, dejected or rejected, Pink Tourmaline could help you to love yourself and find the courage to interact with the world in a positive, creative way.

Find Pink Tourmaline here


Citrine – lemon to golden yellow - is uplifting, joyous, bringing positivity, optimism, confidence and self-worth. It brings a fresh brightness to stale situations, clearing away stagnant energy on all levels, and making way for the new. Work with Citrine when you feel emotionally exhausted or when you are mentally stuck and need a new vision or viewpoint. Citrine can be of great help in raising confidence and self esteem, reminding us of our unique gifts and of who we really are.

Some people find Citrine quite buzzy so this may not be a good choice for you if you are very anxious or not sleeping.

Find Citrine here


Green Aventurine brings balance on physical, emotional and mental levels.  It is excellent for calming anger and soothing a wounded heart, but it is also a good all round healer on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels for people of all ages. It is very gently supporting and brings peace and comfort. Green Aventurine is an excellent ally for all new beginnings – new homes, new relationships, new projects, new jobs, new phases of life. For some people, it has a faery like energy

Find Aventurine here


Amber isn’t a crystal: it is prehistoric pine resin that has fossilised over millenia. It is a ‘feel good stone’. It is beautifully light and gently warming, flowing through you like a soothing golden (but non-sticky!) syrup. If you are feeing lonely, sad, misunderstood, are struggling with life, Amber can bring warmth to belly and heart, and remind you of the abundance of Life. I’ve found that Amber can help with asthma and other chest/breathing problems and often recommend wearing an Amber necklace for chest infections
It is also wonderfully protective, without the heaviness of many protective ‘stones’. This makes it excellent for babies, children and pregnant women. Amber is also a traditional remedy for teething.

Find Amber here


Peace Jade is a mixture of white quartz, green serpentine (and occasionally lavender stitchtite.) It has a very soothing energy that brings tranquility, serenity and peace.


I hope you and your daughters, nieces and young friends like these bracelets and find the perfect combination to support them as they approach or adjust to new womanhood. Remember, you can always email to request a particular combination and I will do my best to help.