I’ve been thinking about International Women’s Day next week. We’re inviting women and girls to join us in a short online ceremony and I’ve been making a few bracelets with some of the crystals that are in our Goddess Bundle.


Moonstone is a pearly white feldspar that helps us to align with, and flow with, all the cycles of life. It has a strong affinity with the emotions, and is calming and soothing.

It is excellent for women at all stages of life, balancing hormonal upsets, helping with ‘PMS’, painful menstruation, infertility and the challenges of pregnancy, easing birth, for post birth support and for menopause. Moonstone reminds women of their divinity – that all are goddesses.


Carnelian is a variety of quartz, sometimes called Orange Agate, which ranges from pale peachy orange to deep brown-orange.
It carries the combined energies of Earth and Fire, and is warming and energising. It enhances creativity on all levels, and has a particular affinity with the sacral chakra. It can help us to connect with ancestral wisdom held deep within Mother Earth. It supports women to be strong, creative, confident, and in touch with their true feminine power, and helps men to know and understand the deep ancient wisdom of the Divine Feminine within themselves, the women around them, and the Earth.


Iolite is a beautiful deep violet blue that supports intuition and inner knowing. It is the gemstone variety of the mineral Cordierite. Iolite is a stone of visions, dreams and dreaming, helping us to connect with the realms of spirit. It has a powerful feminine energy and is one of the stones in my ‘Goddess Pack’. Iolite links us to the Queen of Heaven goddess archetype – Isis, Astarte, Mary, Juno.


Chrysocolla is a copper base mineral with a wonderful intense turquoise-blue colour. It is soothing and calming, helps to dispel anger and aid communication.

Chrysocolla is one of the ‘Goddess Stones’. It supports the energy of the Divine Feminine in women and men. It encourages creative self-expression on all levels.


Bracelet 1

Carnelian and Moonstone

7.5inches - medium size

£19 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 2 - now sold

Moonstone and Carnelian

7.5inches - medium size

£19 plus p&p

These bracelets have not yet been added to the shop. To purchase, please email

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 3

Moonstone and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size

£20 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 4

Moonstone and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size

£21 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 5

Moonstone and Chrysocolla

7.5inches - medium size

£21 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 6

Moonstone, Carnelian, Chrysocolla and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size

£21 plus p&p

This bracelet is now available in the webshop here.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Bracelet 7 - now sold

Moonstone, Carnelian, Chrysocolla and Iolite

7.5inches - medium size


These bracelets have not yet been added to the shop. To purchase, please email

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.


We also make Goddess Gift Sets with a choice of a white or peach Moonstone bracelet and three different Moonstone tumble stones in white, red and black.

If you would like to order a bracelet with these beads in a different size, please email.

Happy International Women’s Day