Last night I created a crystal grid to support a group of people who are making a pilgrimage along the Michael/Mary line. It’s been an interesting process, and I thought those of you who love crystals and crystal grids might be interested to hear about it.

Many such journeys have been ‘on hold’ for quite some time now, including those we thought we had planned! It brings to mind “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” - an old Yiddish adage meaning, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.”

This group of people have come from USA with our dear friend Aluna Joy and Marcus went to meet them in London last Sunday. From London they travelled to Bury St Edmunds then visited many sites along the energy lines. They are currently staying in Glastonbury and we’re expecting them here in Cornwall tomorrow.

In the past, we’ve had one of the women from our circle meet them in Bury St Edmunds, various friends join them along the way and a group of sisters join them at the Hurlers for ceremony. We sent a small crystal bundle, with Preseli Bluestone and Rose Quartz, for each person to carry, but by the time I thought about it I felt unable to gather people or organise anything. I did think I’d make a crystal grid to anchor the group in this land and to support their weaving with the energy lines, but that wasn’t easy.

I spent days trying to ‘feel’ the group and/or call in a crystal grid but I just couldn’t do either. I could have made something from a headspace, but whatever we are led to believe, that’s not actually how powerful crystal grids work.

There were vague, faint images of merkabahs - far off and I couldn’t grasp them. Interestingly, we’d just bought some rather lovely little crystal merkabahs recently and I’d unpacked them only a few days earlier. But that was all I had, and try as I might, I couldn’t connect with Marcus or Aluna and certainly not with a group of people.

Then I heard from Marcus that members of the group were coming down with covid and that all plans were having to be managed very creatively. Each day I meditated and tried to connect - and failed. Then Aluna got sick. Then Marcus got sick. Several dear friends of ours were stepping in to give practical support and I really wanted to help, from Cornwall, with energetic support.

Yesterday, just after lunch, I suddenly made contact! I could feel a woven thread between us. Less than an hour later, Aluna messaged me to say she was beginning to feel better. I had to go out so although things were coming in I decided to wait until I could pay full attention.

I went over to the Crystal Barn, placed the grid board since I knew the grid was to be a pattern of 6 - for balance - heaven/earth - male/female.

Joanna had put the merkabahs in a lovely display for today’s Crystal Open Day and I’m afraid I messed it up! I’ve written a little about the crystals here, but you can read more by clicking on the pink crystal name to go to the free factsheets.

The clear Quartz needed to be on the outer rim to hold Light around everything.

“I come into alignment with my true and divine purpose.”

Clear Quartz is considered by many to be the “master crystal” and has been respected throughout history as a powerful healer, transformer and teacher. For many people, Clear Quartz is what the word “crystal” describes. Because Clear Quartz embodies the frequency of pure white light, which contains all colour vibrations, it works in many ways, and on many levels.

My personal experience of the Spirit of Clear Quartz is of a bright, white star in an icy, snowy vastness. There is total purity, an absolute limitlessness, with the bright star of inspiration.

For many people, their first experience of Clear Quartz crystal is one of increased balance and harmony. They may feel calmer or they may feel more energised and positive, depending on what is needed. Often, however, clear quartz can bring a challenge. It teaches us about clarity, purity, focus, direction and directness and works to clear any energy that is not in alignment with our Spiritual Blueprint to bring us into alignment on all levels of being.

Before we are born, our Soul/Spirit Self makes choices about how we will incarnate in order to learn the lessons needed to contribute to, or complete, our evolution. As we experience the lessons of life, we often become out of balance, and the path of rebalancing forms a large part of our learning and growth.

Clear Quartz can help to release negative and limiting emotions and thought patterns and beliefs which no longer serve us. As these move out of our energy bodies there is often a corresponding energy change in the physical body. These changes on physical, emotional and mental levels can be challenging. They may be experienced as intense heat or cold, headaches, nausea or sickness, pain in the body, or many other physical symptoms. On emotional and mental levels there may also be challenges as painful emotions are brought to consciousness and released and those things that have seemed to form the foundations of our lives are brought into question. As we release imbalance, disharmony and limitation, we move into a situation where all our energy bodies, all aspects of our being, come into alignment. From this place there is an experience of balance, clarity, and bliss. We are able to function effectively on all levels, with great clarity and sense of purpose, with minimum effort producing maximum results, and an experience of harmony in all things. We can move gently, but powerfully, through life, making our own personal contribution to the world, taking full responsibility with joy and in appreciation.

As our awareness changes, we may find it easier to access the multidimensional world of Spirit. Humans have worked with the energy of Clear Quartz in this way for millenia. It has been used to aid meditation, develop sensory and “super-sensory” awareness, including telepathy. Clear Quartz is an excellent aid to dreamwork, though some people find it much too stimulating to get any sleep with.

Quartz is a natural amplifier of energy and placed with any other crystal will increase the effect of the latter’s energy. This is why much jewellery is created with smaller gemstones joined to clear quartz crystals. Not only are the two energies combined, but the quartz amplifies the energy of the additional crystal.

The Amethysts brought their powers of deep healing and tranformation to the centre.

“I remember that I am Divine”

The Spirit of Amethyst reveals itself to me as a huge woman/goddess, filling the universe. Within her womb is the earth, and all planets.

Others have experienced Amethyst as the King, to Rose Quartz’s Queen, but to me, she is the Goddess in all her Creative Power.

She is regal, majestic, with an awesome power. Amethyst knows herself, and so has no need to proclaim herself. She is a subtle power, which comes in gently. Because of this gentle approach, the power of Amethyst may sometimes be underestimated, but when a true connection is made, there is no doubting the quiet strength of this crystal.

Amethyst holds both the red and blue rays, and so carries the calming, soothing qualities of blue, with the vibrant qualities of red. Because of this, it is an excellent all round healer, which aids in a movement away from any extreme, and helps to bring balance in all things.

Amethyst also teaches us about the Law of Cycles. Everything has its time. All time moves in cycles, and all other beings on this planet flow naturally with the cycles of time. As humans, we need to find a way to step away from fighting and trying to control nature, and move back into harmony with the cycles of increase and decrease, of waxing and waning, of growing and dying.

At a mind level, I thought I’d be adding Amethyst hearts but that was not to be. Instead these lovely Fluorite hearts volunteered.

“I expand and purify energy and bring order and structure into daily life”

Fluorite is expansive, creating space between thoughts, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, energies of all kinds. It then clears, transforms and transmutes anything that is ‘negative’ and brings structure and order to what remains.

In this way it calms and settles the mind and is good for meditation, spiritual growth and increased psychic awareness. It cleanses the aura and gives protection by clearing negative thought patterns and transmuting all negative energies. It can bring a little distance in times when emotions overwhelm us, so that we can see both what needs to be done and what needs to be healed. It is also excellent for concentration and focus, and is an excellent gift for students.

Lie with a Fluorite octahedron on the forehead to clear excessive mental energy from study or when emotions are high and thoughts go round and round, making situations worse. Alternatively, place three octahedra round the head (one above; two on either side by the temples) or place three octahedra, one on the brow, one between heart and throat, one below the navel. With these placements it can be useful to have a grounding stone such as Black Tourmaline or Hematite beneath the feet or Smoky Quartz or Smoky Fluorite in the hands.

In the environment, Fluorite can be used to help with the electromagnetic disturbance from computers, microwaves, and other devices. Place a cluster by your computer screen to help with this and at the same time help with focus and concentration.

Next came the Preseli Bluestone and Sarsen Stone skulls and dragons - powerful stones of our ancient land
They stand as guardians of the four corners.

The next stones came in quickly. I was on a roll and forgot about taking photographs!

Lots of Selenite was needed.

“I am pure white light”

Selenite is truly a stone for now (I wrote this several years ago now, but it is still true!) as it helps us to connect with the highest frequency of pure light energy. When working with it, a wave of purity flows through us; it is clearing and cleansing, helping to remove anything that is not in harmonic resonance. It raises our consciousness/spiritual awareness and helps to change our frequency so that we can embody the new, higher frequencies that are pouring into our planet.

You may well have read that Selenite is a spiritual stone that helps us to connect with angels and higher beings, aids shamanic journeys, etc. It certainly does all of that, but what it also does is to change the nature of matter so that it can receive and hold the highest frequencies of light that have been flowing into our beloved planet, particularly since the portal of the 2012 winter solstice. We are all part of this massive shift, whether or not we are conscious of it. The cosmic energy coming to our planet is different – it has been changing for some time and will continue to do so, whatever we do. It is changing the nature of the material world. Everything is changing – very rapidly.

Being here, on Mother Earth, at this time, can often feel challenging. Daily we hear stories of terrible things that are happening, but at the same time there is a powerful energy of change coming from the centre of Creation, through us! It is imperative that we stay as clear and pure as possible. We must reject the indoctrination of greed and inequality that has held power for too long, and refuse to get caught in the fear and hopelessness that we are being fed daily. We live on a beautiful planet that has all that we need – for everyone. We can choose to align with the Light, and birth the new world, and Selenite can help at this time.

After the Selenite came Chariote. Charoite comes from the Chara River area of Russia and has beautiful swirling patterns in lavender and purple. It is profoundly transformative, bringing healing at deep, karmic levels. Initially I placed it closer to the centre, between the smaller Selenite towers and the Amethyst Merkabahs. As soon as I placed them I knew I needed to move them out.

What I understood was that ‘space’ or ‘emptiness’ was of the utmost significance - that we are in a completely new situation that is beyond our current understanding. All we can do is to keep on clearing, keep holding the light, keep doing what we can to transform our (completely justifiable) feelings of fear, anger, impatience, overwhelm, hopelessness, keep addressing our deepest healing needs and keep holding space for the new to birth - knowing that we can’t know any answers at all at present and trusting in the greater plan. This isn’t to say that we just focus inwards and meditate - though along with prayer that’s certainly a great idea. We also need to keep shining the light into all the dark places, within and without, calling out the wrongs, where ever we see them and taking appropriate action when we can.

The final crystals to be placed were small clear or Ice Calcites - between the Amethyst Merkabahs. All Calcite (which comes in many colours) is clearing and releasing, moving through blockages and patterns to new ways. Ice Calcite has a bright, spiritual energy. Although Calcite works at deep and profound levels, it ‘comes in gently’ and can be easier to work with than some other minerals.

I lit the candle and sat with the crystal grid - at last able to link in with the travellers. I prepared to leave the barn and shut the chickens up for the night. It was completely dark. Two hours had passed. Back in the house I messaged Marcus and sent him photographs. He replied:

That's beautiful - feels very spacious

I look forward to seeing the travellers tomorrow - however many of them are still well enough to visit. I look forward to introducing them to beautiful Cornwall and her magic. Having made a long journey to be in this precious land, I’m sure there must be some frustration at the challenges that they have faced.

I also hope that sharing my process brings something of value to you. May we all hold space together at this amazing time. May we remember that we are not alone at all. There are many of us working in all kinds of ways to bring about change.

“My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes