Winter White & Clear Crystals

Last week I wrote about clear/colourless Quartz and how I liked to work with it in the period between Winter Solstice and the first stirrings of new life. I said I’d share my thoughts on some more clear/white stones, so here goes!

Moon/Girasol Quartz

‘White’ Quartz varies from being totally clear to milky to opaque white. I wrote about clear/colourless Quartz last week. Milky Quartz is much less intense that Clear Quartz. It has the same properties but in a much softer way.

In early crystal writings, the very clear was considered to be masculine and the more milky was feminine, and it was often recommended that you find a pair - one for each hand. Maybe try that and see what you find.

A special kind of milky Quartz is Girasol or Moon Quartz. It comes from Madagascar and has a truly beautiful and quite magical opalescence. Moon Quartz is both gentle and powerful, with a subtle, quiet strength. It is very feminine and connects with Moon energy and cycles of creativity. It aids intuition and deep knowing and is a great dreaming stone.

Find it here

Snow Quartz

Snow Quartz is white and opaque. Often overlooked in favour of more striking or flashy stones, it is smooth and gentle bringing the clarity and expansiveness of Clear Quartz but in a much softer way. It encourages and supports intuition in a balanced way.

Snow Quartz can bring calm peace in times of turmoil, creating space for us to make sense of things and bring understanding.

Find Snow Quartz here

Clear/Ice Calcite

Calcite is a common mineral, found in many environments worldwide. Calcite is the main mineral that makes stalagmites and stalactites. It is found in a wonderful range of colours including clear/colourless orange, green, blue, aqua, honey, rosey red and occasionally black.

Clear Calcite is often mistaken for Clear Quartz but it is much softer and has a different sheen. It is easily scratched so you need to take care of it. If you keep Calcite tumblestones in bag with the Quartzes, including Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Agates, Jaspers, the Calcite will be damaged quite quickly. This isn’t an esoteric thing; it’s physical.

As with the physical softness, the energy is much softer than Quartz. It isn’t a lightweight though. It has deep and profound qualities even though it ‘comes in gently’.

All the Calcites have a clearing, cleansing property and can feel quite refreshing. Clear Calcite is excellent for purification, especially of mind and spirit.

Find Calcite here


Howlite is, in my opinion, one of the very overlooked stones and I really appreciate the gentle, calm presence. It is relatively inexpensive and so is readily available. In its natural state it is white with grey markings. It is very porous and it is often dyed rather lurid colours. Blue dyed Howlite is frequently sold as Turquoise.

Howlite is a beautifully calming stone that is often overlooked and undervalued. It settles fraught emotions and frazzled minds, enabling us to listen to the wisdom of our higher selves. Unusually for a white stone, it is also quite grounding and stabilising, though never heavy.

Find Howlite here