New Moon, Solar Eclipse and prayers for wisdom, peace and kindness on Mother Earth

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Today the Horse Drum spoke to me. Told me off is more accurate!

(If you’re uncomfortable with the thought of being spoken to by a drum, maybe don’t read this blogpost 🙂.
If you want to read more about the Horse Drum, please scroll down to earlier blogposts.)

Over the past week, as we approached the New Moon/Solar Eclipse that’s due tomorrow, I’ve had many thoughts of creating a crystal grid. Here in Cornwall we are very aware of the gathering of ‘world leaders’ for the G7 meeting that is supposed to address ‘tackling climate change and preserving the planet's biodiversity’ and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse creates a powerful opportunity for releasing old ways and choosing a new way forward.

I’ve been super tired since the show at the weekend and I’d given up on having any energy to focus on anything. I went to the Crystal Barn, where Joanna was cleaning the cabinets before putting the crystals back. I dusted a windowsill and hung a up a few bracelets when the Drum spoke loud and clear and asked me what I thought I was doing. I was asked why I wasn’t making a grid when I knew one was needed and I said I had been too tired and just couldn’t get it together. ‘Then why are you wasting the little energy you have on dusting?’

Suitably chastised I took out a shell and some sage and started to smudge myself. Below I’m sharing the growth of this grid and I offer it as an energy focus for tomorrow. The New Moon is late morning.

I will also be joining The Children’s Fire during the time of the G7 meeting. Maybe see if it calls to you too.

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I placed the central crystal - a beautiful Madagascan Chrysoprase flame. The crystal grid then grew in an unusual way, since the first to gather were the ‘supporters’ - the standing Quartz and sphere that have held the balance of feminine and masculine in many ceremonies, the relatively new Quartz in the centre that was part of our work last year, Layla (Amethyst) and Liliana (Rose Quartz). Next came the outer circle with Petrified Wood slices to bring in ancient Earth wisdom and Chrysocolla for feminine wisdom and universal harmony.

Please understand that when I describe the qualities of the crystal energies, I am only thinking about this now, as I write. I don’t think in that way when creating the grid. I am just the legs that move the box to the table and the hands that take the crystals out of the pouches.

Next came in 12 Moldavite and 12 Herkimer Diamonds - tiny pieces that pack a powerful punch! These are both initiators of change and transformation. Then came in 6 Iolites for vision and spiritual guidance.

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After the Iolites came Blue Tiger’s Eye, also known as Hawk’s Eye. Hawk’s Eye brings a deep wisdom and peace. It is good for settling the mind and helping to step back from problems. Hawk’s Eye can help us to see things from a higher perspective and see the truth in complicated situations. Between is more Petrified Wood - green this time - and Peridot for cleansing, detoxification and to open the heart to joy. And to complete this part of the grid came Preseli Bluestone - a stone of these islands that connects heaven and earth.

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I’d just placed the Bluestones when I felt the presence and heard the voice of a dear friend who passed into spirit last year. She wanted the beautiful Moon Drum that was gifted to our Moon Sisterhood to stand by the grid. I told Joanna what had just happened and she said that ‘she probably wants the snake to be in there too’. Dee had gifted the snake to me and it is a powerful link to the Rainbow Serpent energy line that circles the planet.

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The crystal grid was completed with Rose Quartz hearts and Pink Petalite to bring in the highest frequencies of Love and Cosmic Consciousness.

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Candles were lit and I sat and drummed.

Should you wish, I invite you to use this image as a focus for drumming, for your dreaming, for your prayers for the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and over the next few days.
Shared with love and crystal blessings
Sue xxx

“When you sit and you council for the welfare of the people, think not of yourself, nor of your family.

Make your decisions on behalf of the seventh generation coming.

Those faces looking up from the earth, layer upon layer waiting their time.

Defend them.

Protect them.

They are helpless, they are in your hands.

That is your duty.

Your responsibility.

You do that, you yourself will have peace.”

– Chief Oren Lyons quoting the Peacemaker