Golden Healer for cold, dark, damp days

In the latter part of January, people often begin to feel a bit down. There are occasional clear mornings and sunny afternoons, and emerging flower bulbs bring the promise of spring, but mostly it’s pretty cold, dark and damp and many find it hard to keep spirits bright. Some years ago I came across a crystal that was new to me, and it’s become my favourite ally for this time of year.

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I was shopping at a large wholesaler when saw a sign that read ‘Hematoid Quartz’. I was so turned off by the rather unattractive name that I ignored it. Later, when I’d finished shopping, had crossed off the items on my list (and bought a lot more that weren’t on my list!), I decided to take a moment to check out the crystal that I hadn’t heard of before. It was beautiful! Clear Quartz with yellow, gold and brown veiling, it was a real bonus since there aren’t a lot of crystals in this colour range, but it was when I picked it up that I was won over. It felt absolutely lovely.

Hematoid Quartz is Quartz with Hematite inclusions (or Goethite inclusions - Goethite is an Iron based mineral similar to Hematite). The yellow/gold ones soon became known as Golden Healers - a much prettier name! These crystals hold a lovely bright, clear, warming, uplifting energy that comes in slowly and brings a wonderful sense of well-being. They are excellent to use when light is low and people can experience S.A.D.
I have used them a lot in healing treatments and use to give myself a ‘lift’.

This year in particular, many people are heartily fed up - not just with the virus and the many real challenges we’ve had to face, but with the utter uselessness, outright lies and corruption of those who are supposed to manage the situation. Golden Healer won’t change that, but it might give you a break and bring warmth to your heart and nurturing to your soul - and the more whole we are, the more we have energy to co-create change.

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More recently I was offered crystals with rich red veiling. Clearly these couldn’t be Golden Healers so I call them Rosy Healers! I find these to be stronger, more direct and more ‘practical’, but they are not heavy at all since the quartz brings in a light, bright energy. If you are feeling scattered, and need grounding and focus to get things done, this might be the perfect ally for you.

I now have these beautiful crystals in pebbles, hearts, spheres, eggs and large tumblestones. Each has a completely unique beauty. They are often filled with amazing rainbows that are very hard to catch in a photograph.
Find them here:

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May you be warm, nourished and well!
I send you Love and Crystal Blessings, Sue xx